After update you can only view 20 articles without paying. Really greedy move by a greedy company. Ill get my central florida news from an actual news app from now on. Dont waste your time!
After update you can only view 20 articles without paying. Really greedy move by a greedy company. Ill get my central florida news from an actual news app from now on. Dont waste your time!
Now only 20 articles a month if you dont pay. To many other options for free news with the same quality.
This limits the number of stories you get. Navigation is terrible.
After updating, I realize that there is now a limit for reading anything. There used to be a little flag in the corner of the article indicating it was a premium story. I thought that was bad but stuck with it. Now there is no indication and after 20 minutes of reading I have hit my monthly limit. I could understand if there were no ads, but that is not the case. There are many places to get the news daily whether local or national that treat user better. I would definitely NOT recommend this app. I actually hope that I dont even have to rate it one star for it to count. UPDATE: I did have to rate it at least one star to review. Also, since then they have changed it from 20 stories per month to 10.
You are only allowed to read 10 stories a month for free? Really? All other major new agencies allow you to read all of their stories for free with adverts. What a scam.
It works, but it too two days to see the grayed out menus for the sections of the paper across the top of the home page. Such a simple thing to fix. Why hasnt it been?
Seriously just google the story and you dont have to pay . The app only allows you to read ten articles a month then it FORCES you to pay. Morons!